To some that will sound like a stupid title because such people think they know the answer- - Sex! But to those of us who think a little further and probe a little deeper it becomes very obvious that not only is sex not a satisfactory answer but that the complete answer has as yet not been put on paper.
I suppose that I get exposed to more facets of TV- ism than anyone ever has--in my capacity as Editor of TVia that is. Of course, at the same time I am more fortunate than most in my home circumstances too. As a result I find myself spending a lot of time cogitating about this whole thing. There is a great deal more in- volved in TVism than meets the eye. If you will sit down quietly by yourself sometime and ask yourself, "just what satisfactions am I getting out of cross-dress- ing and what are the motivations for this activity,' you will first say something like "the clothes are pretty, or soft, or comfortable, etc." These answers are class- ical, they have been given by every TV. But I'm sure, with a little more thought you will agree that they do not really answer the question. There is some thing more fundamental.
The standard psychiatric explanations are also un- satisfactory. There are entirely too many TVs with no history of being dressed as girls when small, either for fun or punishment; too many whose mothers did NOT want little girls and didn't treat their sons as though they were girls; too many whose fathers were good images, whose home life was normal and whose treat- ment was just like any other boy's would have been, yet they become TVs in later life. Nor can it be ex- plained as a fetish since by definition this involves sexual release and we have quite a number of still act- ive TVs who are well into their 60s, 70s and even 80s, which means they are beyond the time of effective sexual activity. Neither can it be simple narcissism since once started it continues long past the time when